| M | | HOLST | 01/01/1967 |
UELN: 276321210395167 | MICROCHIP: |
MAXIMUS HOLST - 276321210386463 M - 01/01/1963 | MANOMETER XX PS/VB - 999999999X02790 | ABENDFRIEDEN XX |
STOER HOLST - 999999999Y07688 | HEILBUTT | |
SILVA HOLST - 999999999Y05704 F - 01/01/1900 | FAUST HOLST - 999999999X03521 | UNCOMPLETED |
KONRADINE HOLST - 276321210483103 | HEIDEFREUND I | |
Name | Date of birth | Race | Sex | Color | Dam |
Name HAVEL | Date of birth 1984/01/01 | Race HOLST | Sex F | Color | Dam OEKONOMIE |
Name HERA-II | Date of birth 1900/01/01 | Race HOLST | Sex F | Color | Dam ADRETTE |
Name IBYLLE | Date of birth 1972/01/01 | Race HOLST | Sex F | Color | Dam RETINA (LÄRCHE) |
Name IDUNA | Date of birth 1900/01/01 | Race HOLST | Sex F | Color | Dam DUISA |
Name IMELA 2 | Date of birth 1900/01/01 | Race HOLST | Sex F | Color | Dam ALJA |
Name INGELI | Date of birth 1900/01/01 | Race HOLST | Sex F | Color | Dam ZAFFA |
Name IRA-II | Date of birth 1972/01/01 | Race HOLST | Sex F | Color | Dam DORETT |
Name JASMIN 3 | Date of birth 1900/01/01 | Race HOLST | Sex F | Color | Dam DRALON |
Name JESSIKA II | Date of birth 1972/01/01 | Race HOLST | Sex F | Color | Dam ZARA |
Name JUWEL | Date of birth 1972/05/19 | Race HOLST | Sex F | Color | Dam BALLADE |
Name MOLINA | Date of birth 1979/01/01 | Race RHEIN | Sex F | Color | Dam NINA |
Name MONTANUS | Date of birth 1972/01/01 | Race HOLST | Sex M | Color | Dam ESSAYA |
Name MOOREA | Date of birth 1900/01/01 | Race RHEIN | Sex F | Color | Dam ROMIKA |
Name WILMA | Date of birth 1984/01/01 | Race HOLST | Sex F | Color | Dam KOQUETT |