| M | | SF | 21/04/2004 | Belgium
UELN: 25000104397388E | MICROCHIP: 250259801549138 |
FIDJI DU FLEURY sBs - 056007000F23177 M - 16/06/1989 | LE TOT DE SEMILLY SF - 27500177037073A | GRAND VENEUR |
IDYLLE SF - 25000174000149E | ST BRENDAN XX | |
OMAHA DE SAINT-AUBERT (R.O.) sBs - 056007000O32348 F - 18/05/1998 | DAMOISEAU D'OR SF - 25000191454423S | PALADIN DES IFS |
DOUCE HOTESSE (R.O.) SF - 25000191011724M | MUGUET DU MANOIR | |
Name | Date of birth | Race | Sex | Color | Dam |
Name EASY DU VAL D'HEURE | Date of birth 2010/05/29 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam MANON DE CORDELLES |
Name EASY-TOP DU AIMERY | Date of birth 2010/03/03 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam TINA D'HERCHIES |
Name ECLAIR DES AVELINES | Date of birth 2010/07/12 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam QRANDLLE VD WELLINGTON (R.O.) |
Name ECLAT DU VIGNOBLE | Date of birth 2010/06/20 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam MARGOT DE VALVYEVRE |
Name ECLIPSE DE L'HERIBUS | Date of birth 2010/03/22 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam PAMELA DE WALPUT |
Name ECLIPSE TWILIGHT 8 DE L'ESPINNETTE | Date of birth 2010/06/25 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam NISCIAS 8 L'ESPINNETTE |
Name EDEN D'ARC | Date of birth 2010/05/02 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam QUELLE DE CAVRINNES |
Name EDWINA DE MONT-GARNI | Date of birth 2010/04/17 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam JILANA DES CINQ CHENES |
Name EDWOD DU MARRONNIER | Date of birth 2010/05/19 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam QUARITA DES TROIS EPIS |
Name EILHYSA DE L'HERIBUS | Date of birth 2010/06/06 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam RANJA D97 (R.O.) |
Name EINSTEIN DE L'HERIBUS | Date of birth 2010/04/14 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam GALANTE-III |
Name EL NINIO D'HERLAIMONT | Date of birth 2010/05/20 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam OPERETTE DE CHEUX |
Name ELANGO DE MAZ | Date of birth 2010/03/22 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam AMERICAN PIE XX |
Name ELDORADO DU MARRONNIER | Date of birth 2010/06/16 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam ARCADIA DU MARRONNIER |
Name ELECTRA D'HERLAIMONT | Date of birth 2010/05/01 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam KANDY DE CHEUX |
Name ELECTRON DES DIX BONNIERS | Date of birth 2010/04/15 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam PANDORA |
Name ELEGANCE DE POMMEROEUL | Date of birth 2010/05/15 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam ILIADE DEL QUASSOLO |
Name ELFE D'OR | Date of birth 2010/06/01 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam KUNDRY DE L'HERIBUS |
Name ELIANTE DU MARAIS-ED | Date of birth 2010/05/01 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam HELIANTE-II DU MARAIS |
Name ELIO DE VY | Date of birth 2010/05/18 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam INKIE |
Name ELIOT D'OR | Date of birth 2010/06/01 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam HARMONIE D'EVE |
Name ELITE DE BOURGOGNE | Date of birth 2010/06/17 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam UCHOTTE DE BOURGOGNE |
Name ELITE DE FEXHE | Date of birth 2010/05/21 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam QUEEN VAN DE HEI |
Name ELIXIR DE BOURGOGNE | Date of birth 2010/05/30 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam MAGIE DE BOURGOGNE (R.D.) |
Name ELLE DO | Date of birth 2010/04/22 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam SAMBA DE L'EAUGRENEE |
Name ELLÈBELLE DU CERNAUT | Date of birth 2010/06/09 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam HAPPY LIFE DU CERNAUT |
Name ELOA H DE TERTRE | Date of birth 2010/05/25 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam GUESS |
Name ELODY FLEURIE DU BOIS PINCHET | Date of birth 2010/06/25 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam KARATA DU BOIS MADAME (R.O.) |
Name ELPACHA DU CERNAUT | Date of birth 2010/05/15 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam NOSTALGIE DU CERNAUT |
Name ELVIS DE L'HERIBUS | Date of birth 2010/06/23 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam HURFE-II DE L'HERIBUS |
Name ELVIS DE LA MALOGNE | Date of birth 2010/06/20 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam CANTONIA H |
Name ELYSE DU CHAMP DES VIVIERS | Date of birth 2010/07/11 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam USHAÏA |
Name ELYSEE DU MARRONNIER | Date of birth 2010/04/02 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam IDYLLE -DDS- DU PARC |
Name EMERAUDE DE HUTUTU | Date of birth 2010/02/11 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam ERIS DE LA HAISSE |
Name EMILE DE LA CROIX | Date of birth 2010/03/07 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam UXEL DE LA CROIX |
Name ENIGMA DE BOMETEAU | Date of birth 2010/04/06 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam KITZY |
Name ENTARÈS DU BOIS DES MANANTS | Date of birth 2010/04/16 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam QUEENCY DE LA TAILLE |
Name ENZO DE LA MANADE | Date of birth 2010/06/25 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam ATHENA DE LA MANADE |
Name EOLE | Date of birth 2010/09/16 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam EOLE PERRUQES |
Name EOLE DE L'HODEZ | Date of birth 2010/05/25 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam ISATIS DE L'HODEZ |
Name EOLE DU CHAMP DE LEYDE | Date of birth 2010/05/21 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam UNIQUE DU CHAMP DE LEYDE |
Name EPI D'OR | Date of birth 2010/05/15 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam OPALE D'OR |
Name EPI DU GRAND CHAMP | Date of birth 2010/04/24 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam BALLADINE DU GRAND CHAMP |
Name EQODA DES CINQ CHENES | Date of birth 2010/06/03 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam VEE DES CINQ CHENES |
Name ESPERENCE DU MARRONNIER | Date of birth 2010/05/20 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam LEYLA DU MARRONNIER |
Name ESPINOSO DES MELEZES | Date of birth 2010/03/16 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam GALOUNA DES MELEZES |
Name ESPOIR DE LA COUTURELLE | Date of birth 2010/05/04 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam RADIEUSE DE LA COUTURELLE |
Name ESPOIR DES MERISIERS | Date of birth 2010/04/23 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam URIA ERIA DE LA SALM (R.O.) |
Name ESTEBAN DE HUTUTU | Date of birth 2010/05/14 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam ILKA |
Name ETOILE DES MERISIERS | Date of birth 2010/06/22 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam FACKEL-Z |
Name EXCELLENCE DES ROCS | Date of birth 2010/06/27 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam CATIMINI |
Name EXTASIA DU MESSAGER (R.O.) | Date of birth 2010/04/15 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam CARMEN DE LA SCYE (E.O.) |
Name F COMME DU HOUMIER | Date of birth 2011/05/28 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam OREOLE DU HOUMIER |
Name FAÏENCE DU PONT LETOT | Date of birth 2011/03/13 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam CHIC LADY DU RUISSEAU Z |
Name FALBALA DE SAINT JULIEN | Date of birth 2011/06/26 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam MALICE SOLITAIRE XX |
Name FANGIO DU GRAND CHAMP (E.O.) | Date of birth 2011/05/24 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam HARICE (R.O.) |
Name FANTAISIE DE LA MALOGNE | Date of birth 2011/07/15 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam NORA DU CALVAIRE (R.O.) |
Name FAO D'OR DU PAON | Date of birth 2011/06/21 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam SYMPHONY D.H. |
Name FARAS DES ALIZES | Date of birth 2011/04/28 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam URIA ERIA DE LA SALM (R.O.) |
Name FARCEUR DU SEIGNEUR (R.O.) | Date of birth 2011/04/14 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam CIBELLE DU SEIGNEUR (E.T.) (E.O.) |
Name FEA DU MARAIS-E.D. | Date of birth 2011/04/19 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam JERDANE DU MARAIS |
Name FEELING DE LIZE | Date of birth 2011/05/05 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam CRISTAL DE CHEVREMONT |
Name FEELING FOR YOU DU BOIS DU BUT | Date of birth 2011/06/16 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam LOLITA |
Name FELICITEE | Date of birth 2011/05/26 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam BELINA |
Name FIDÈLE DES HAUTS MONCEAUX | Date of birth 2011/05/03 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam SAVANNE D'ARCHONFOSSE |
Name FIESTA DU BOIS DU BUT | Date of birth 2011/06/27 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam CAMPBELL VAN 'T LOZERHOF |
Name FIFTY FIFTY DES BILLETIERS | Date of birth 2011/06/10 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam QUENELLE DE ROCHE |
Name FIGARO DE L'AULNE | Date of birth 2011/05/25 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam CARNIVAL QUEEN |
Name FIGARO DU CERNAUT | Date of birth 2011/05/28 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam NOSTALGIE DU CERNAUT |
Name FIRE DU PARADIS | Date of birth 2011/06/23 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam NARITHA (R.O.+) |
Name FIRMENKA D'OR | Date of birth 2011/05/28 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam HARMONIE D'EVE |
Name FIRST DES HOBEREAUX | Date of birth 2011/06/26 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam MUGUETTE DE TERTRE |
Name FIRST LADY DU CAILLOU (R.O.+) | Date of birth 2011/05/13 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam OLYMPIA DE MONTSEC |
Name FIRST LADY DU MARAIS-E.D. | Date of birth 2011/04/07 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam FAMOUS BEAUTY |
Name FLASH | Date of birth 2011/05/14 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam SAVANNA |
Name FLASH D'ARGENTEUIL | Date of birth 2011/04/10 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam OSIRY COTENCIE |
Name FLASH DE VY | Date of birth 2011/05/13 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam PAMELA DE WALPUT |
Name FLAUBERT DES PEREES | Date of birth 2011/04/22 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam IRRAWADDY DES PEREES (E.O.) |
Name FLIPPER DU SEIGNEUR | Date of birth 2011/05/09 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam VIENCHINE DU SEIGNEUR (E.T.) (R.O.) |
Name FLOWERWOOD DE ARDICHAMPS | Date of birth 2011/06/20 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam RANI VAN HET GROOTHEIDE |
Name FLY AWAY DU BOIS DU BUT | Date of birth 2011/06/20 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam QUEEN |
Name FOQODY DE LANNOIS | Date of birth 2011/05/15 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam CANDY ST SIMEON (R.D.) |
Name FOR WIN DES HAUTS PAYS | Date of birth 2011/06/22 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam ROOS VAN DE HERMITAGE |
Name FRACAS DE SAINT JULIEN | Date of birth 2011/06/29 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam PROMESSING STAR |
Name FRETOUNETTE DU BOSQUETIAU | Date of birth 2011/06/22 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam AMULETTE DU BOSQUETIAU |
Name FRINGANT DU CALVAIRE (E.O.) | Date of birth 2011/04/01 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam A-VIE DU CALVAIRE (E.O.) |
Name FRIPOUILLE II | Date of birth 2011/03/13 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam BOLERO |
Name FRISBEE DU SEIGNEUR (R.O.) | Date of birth 2011/04/21 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam CIBELLE DU SEIGNEUR (E.T.) (E.O.) |
Name FRONSAC DE BEAUFORT | Date of birth 2011/05/18 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam FIDJI DE BREVE |
Name FULL OPTION DE SEPTON | Date of birth 2011/05/21 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam BOOGIE-BOOGIE DE SEPTON |
Name FULL-OPTIONS DU CHENE A CLOUS | Date of birth 2011/05/04 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam NOLITA DU CHENE A CLOUS |
Name GAASTRA DU HOUMIER | Date of birth 2012/05/30 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam TOSCA |
Name GAASTRA DU SAULCHOY | Date of birth 2012/05/14 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam LANDORA |
Name GALA | Date of birth 2012/05/26 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam BELINA |
Name GALYA DU MÉ MIRLAND | Date of birth 2012/06/20 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam LARA DES VIVIERS |
Name GARANCE DE L'HODEZ | Date of birth 2012/05/12 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam ISATIS DE L'HODEZ |
Name GARGANTUA CHAVANNAIS | Date of birth 2012/05/01 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam SACKEL CHAVANNAISE (E.T.) (R.O.) |
Name GAYA DE MONT-GARNI | Date of birth 2012/06/11 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam JILANA DES CINQ CHENES |
Name GAZELLE DU BOIS DU BUT | Date of birth 2012/04/28 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam TOLINA |
Name GEISHA D'ARGENTEUIL | Date of birth 2012/07/07 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam ALOUETTE |
Name GEÏSHA DU BOIS DE LENS | Date of birth 2012/04/19 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam PANTHERA |
Name GERONIMO DU CLAIR DE LUNE | Date of birth 2012/05/07 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam PRINCESSE DU CLAIR DE LUNE (R.O.) |
Name GETTYSBURG DU CLAIR DE LUNE | Date of birth 2012/06/13 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam OVANNETTE VAN DE RYST (R.O.) |
Name GIGI'S DE SAINTE-ANNE | Date of birth 2012/06/16 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam ZARINA |
Name GIN DE LA COUR DU MONT | Date of birth 2012/05/14 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam SHERIDANE XX |
Name GIN FIZZ DU BOIS DU BUT | Date of birth 2012/05/11 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam LOLITA |
Name GLAMOUR DU BELLAY | Date of birth 2012/05/26 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam NAOMI DU BOBOIS |
Name GLASSGO DU BEAUPRÉ (E.O.) | Date of birth 2012/06/27 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam O DE NUIT (R.O.) |
Name GOLDY D'ESPERANZA | Date of birth 2012/05/22 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam MEGANE |
Name GOLFSTAR D'AVILLON | Date of birth 2012/06/08 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam HAPPY STAR D'AVILLON (R.O.) |
Name GOOD BOY W | Date of birth 2012/05/26 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam CONTENDRA Z |
Name GRÂCE DU PETIT MARAIS | Date of birth 2012/06/05 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam NOUBA D'ONEUX |
Name GRAND COEUR DES COSSIERES | Date of birth 2012/05/23 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam PEPITA DE SARTIAUX |
Name GRIBOUILLE DE LA WASTENNE | Date of birth 2012/05/18 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam BOLERO |
Name GRIVALDI DE LA MANADE | Date of birth 2012/04/18 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam CALYE DE LA MANADE |
Name GUADELOUPE DU PAON | Date of birth 2012/06/09 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam SYMPHONY D.H. |
Name GUAPO DU BOIS DU BUT | Date of birth 2012/06/09 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam QUEEN |
Name GUCCI CHAVANNAIS | Date of birth 2012/05/04 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam PABINA |
Name GUCCI DU HUTUTU | Date of birth 2012/04/14 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam ERIS DE LA HAISSE |
Name GUIZEH DU BOIS DE LENS | Date of birth 2012/04/21 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam PETRA DU BOIS DE LENS |
Name GWARYSSA-M.L. | Date of birth 2012/06/03 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam UPSYLONE DU CANAL |
Name HARMONIE DE LA COUTURELLE | Date of birth 2013/05/02 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam DARWINE DE LA COUTURELLE |
Name HERMES DE LA PEUTRIE | Date of birth 2013/03/31 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam OLYMPE DE CLERFAYT |
Name HEROS DU PETIT MARAIS | Date of birth 2013/07/07 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam NOUBA D'ONEUX |
Name HOPE H DE TERTRE | Date of birth 2013/05/28 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam CLOUDBERRY XX |
Name JUMPER DE GONET | Date of birth 2015/05/02 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam WOLKINA DE PIC |
Name LEOGNAN DE VY | Date of birth 2017/05/20 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam DANAÉ DE VY |
Name LILITH DU BELIAN | Date of birth 2011/06/06 | Race BWP | Sex F | Color alezan | Dam JADE DU JARDIN |
Name LULLABY DU BELIAN D'16 | Date of birth 2011/04/17 | Race BWP | Sex F | Color | Dam ALTHEA DU BELIAN |
Name MOLLY BROWN DU BELIAN | Date of birth 2012/04/17 | Race BWP | Sex F | Color | Dam CALISTA DU BELIAN |
Name NOTOS DE FERNELMONT | Date of birth 2019/06/12 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam CALY DU BOIS-HELLIN |
Name QANELLE DE LA ROSIERE | Date of birth 2022/04/17 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam QUINA DES PREZ |
Name QITCHING DE VY | Date of birth 2022/06/10 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color | Dam DANAÉ DE VY |
Name QUAÏYA DU MOULIN D'HAVRÉ | Date of birth 2022/04/05 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color | Dam FIZZY DES CINQ CHENES |
Name QUALIE DE VY | Date of birth 2022/04/14 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color bai | Dam BATIDA DU ROTON |
Name QUALINE D'EWIQ | Date of birth 2022/04/13 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color alezan | Dam RHEA DES PLAINS |
Name QUIDDITCH | Date of birth 2022/08/06 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color bai | Dam DRANCY |
Name ROLEX DE SAINT-AUBERT | Date of birth 2023/05/25 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color alezan | Dam ATHENA Z |
Name ROLLER COASTER DE VY | Date of birth 2023/07/02 | Race sBs | Sex M | Color bai | Dam DAÏKIRI DE VY (E.T.) |
Name SISSI DU PLAISANT | Date of birth 2024/05/18 | Race sBs | Sex F | Color bai | Dam MIRABELLE DU PLAISANT |
Date | Place | Type | Level | Rider | Place | Comment | Code |
2017/04/05 | CAGNES SUR MER (FRA) | CSI*** | 1.30 | BOISSET Harold | 9 | Barème A au chrono | |
2017/02/26 | OLIVA (ESP) | CSI*** | 1.30 | BOISSET Harold | 7 | MET II - Two phases | |
2017/02/23 | OLIVA (ESP) | CSI*** | 1.30 | BOISSET Harold | 11 | MET II - Table A | |
2017/02/19 | OLIVA (ESP) | CSI** | 1.30 | BOISSET Harold | 7 | MET II - Table A | |
2016/08/18 | MACON CHAINTREE (FRA | CSI*** | 1.35 | BOISSET Harold | 6 | Une manche barème A temps différé | |
2016/06/12 | SAN REMO (ITA) | CSI** | 1.40 | DREYFUS Romain | 10 | In two phases | |
2016/06/11 | SAN REMO (ITA) | CSI** | 1.40 | DREYFUS Romain | 10 | Against the clock | |
2016/05/29 | ARNAS SAUVAGEONNE (FRA) | CSI** | 1.35 | DREYFUS Romain | 6 | Une manche barème A au chronomètre sans barrage | |
2015/11/20 | STRAZEELE (FRA) | CSI** | 1.35 | BREUL Robert | 4 | Une manche barème A au chronomètre sans barrage (0) | |
2015/10/22 | SAINT LO (FRA) | CSI*** | 1.35 | BREUL Robert | 2 | Barème A au chrono sans barrage | |
2015/09/12 | CALGARY (CAN) | CSI***** | 1.50 | BREUL Robert | 5 | Table A, winning round | |
2015/09/10 | CALGARY (CAN) | CSI***** | 1.50 | BREUL Robert | 5 | Table A, one jump off | |
2015/09/09 | CALGARY (CAN) | CSI***** | 1.50 | BREUL Robert | 8 | Table A, one jump off | |
2015/08/23 | MACON (FRA) | CSI** | 1.45 | BREUL Robert | 4 | Art.238.2.2a | |
2015/08/21 | MACON (FRA) | CSI*** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 3 | Art.238.2.1a. | |
2015/08/20 | MACON (FRA) | CSI*** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 8 | Art.238.2.1a. | |
2015/07/26 | LA CORUNA (ESP) | CSI**** | 1.35 | BREUL Robert | 3 | Accumulator with joker | |
2015/07/25 | LA CORUNA (ESP) | CSI**** | 1.35 | BREUL Robert | 3 | Competition against the clock | |
2015/07/04 | MONS (BEL) | CSI**** | 1.50 | BREUL Robert | 6 | Against the clock | |
2015/06/26 | CANTELEU (FRA) | CSI*** | 1.50 | BREUL Robert | 2 | Art.238.2.2. | |
2015/06/11 | POZNAN (POL) | CSI**** | 1.45 | BREUL Robert | 5 | Art.238.2.1. | |
2015/06/07 | SOPOT (POL) | CSIO***** | 1.50 | BREUL Robert | 5 | Accumulator | |
2015/05/24 | BETHUNE (FRA) | CSI*** | 1.45 | BREUL Robert | 4 | Barème A au chrono sans barrage | |
2015/05/23 | BETHUNE (FRA) | CSI*** | 1.35 | BREUL Robert | 3 | Barème A au chrono sans barrage | |
2015/04/24 | CHANTILLY (FRA) | CSI** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 7 | Art.274.5.6. | |
2015/04/18 | HARDELOT (FRA) | CSI*** | 1.50 | BREUL Robert | 1 | Barème A au chrono sans barrage | |
2015/04/16 | HARDELOT (FRA) | CSI*** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 1 | Barème A à temps différé | |
2015/03/21 | VEJER DE LA FRONTERA (ESP) | CSI*** | 1.45 | BREUL Robert | 5 | Sunshine Tour - small GP (0/0) | |
2015/03/20 | VEJER DE LA FRONTERA (ESP) | CSI*** | 1.50 | BREUL Robert | 11 | Sunshine Tour - GP Tour (4) | |
2015/03/14 | VEJER DE LA FRONTERA (ESP) | CSI*** | 1.45 | BREUL Robert | 5 | Sunshine Tour - small GP (0/0) | |
2015/03/13 | VEJER DE LA FRONTERA (ESP) | CSI*** | 1.50 | BREUL Robert | 19 | Sunshine Tour - GP Tour (4) | |
2015/03/07 | VEJER DE LA FRONTERA (ESP) | CSI*** | 1.45 | BREUL Robert | 21 | Sunshine Tour - small GP | |
2015/02/27 | VEJER DE LA FRONTERA (ESP) | CSI*** | 1.45 | BREUL Robert | 2 | Sunshine Tour - GP Tour | |
2014/11/28 | DEAUVILLE (FRA) | CSI** | BREUL Robert | 2 | Table A - T A, one round atc (0) | ||
2014/10/24 | SAINT-LÔ (F) | CSI*** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 2 | ||
2014/10/23 | SAINT-LÔ (F) | CSI*** | 1.35 | BREUL Robert | 1 | Barème A au chrono sans barrage | |
2014/09/07 | ZANDHOVEN (B) | CSI*** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 1 | Final - Table A jump off | |
2014/06/15 | FRANCONVILLE (F) | CSI**** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 2 | Barème A au chrono sans barrage | |
2014/06/14 | FRANCONVILLE (F) | CSI**** | 1.50 | BREUL Robert | 12 | Barème A au chrono sans barrage | |
2014/06/13 | FRANCONVILLE (F) | CSI**** | 1.50 | BREUL Robert | 11 | Barème A avec barrage | |
2014/05/24 | FONTAINEBLEAU (F) | CSI** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 1 | Petit Grand Prix - one round & one jump off | |
2014/05/16 | MANTES LA JOLIE (F) | CSI** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 1 | Table A | |
2014/05/10 | LE TOUQUET (F) | CSI*** | 1.35 | BREUL Robert | 7 | Groupe avec manche gagnante | |
2014/05/09 | LE TOUQUET (F) | CSI*** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 1 | Epreuve en deux phases au chrono | |
2014/04/17 | LYON (F) | CSI** | 1.35 | BREUL Hugo | 2 | Competition in special two phases (0/0) | |
2014/03/20 | VEJER DE LA FRONTERA (ESP) | CSI*** | BREUL Robert | 3 | Sunshine Tour - GP Tour (0/0) | ||
2014/03/15 | VEJER DE LA FRONTERA (ESP) | CSI*** | BREUL Robert | 2 | Sunshine Tour - GP Tour (0/0) | ||
2014/03/08 | VEJER DE LA FRONTERA (Esp | CSI*** | BREUL Robert | 8 | Sunshine Tour - GP Tour | ||
2014/03/01 | VEJER DE LA FRONTERA (Esp) | CSI*** | BREUL Robert | 7 | Sunshine Tour - GP Tour | ||
2013/09/08 | ZANDHOVEN (B) | CSI*** | 1.35 | BREUL Robert | 7 | Table A - one jump off against the clock | |
2013/09/01 | MAISONS LAFFITTE (F) | CSI** | 1.45 | BREUL Robert | 10 | Grand Prix - Barème A au chrono - Barrage au chrono | |
2013/08/30 | MAISONS LAFFITTE (F) | CSI** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 2 | Barème A au chrono - Barrage au chrono | |
2013/08/04 | CRANS-MONTANA (CH) | CSI** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 2 | Table A against the clock | |
2013/08/03 | CRANS-MONTANA (CH) | CSI*** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 5 | Accumulator | |
2013/08/01 | CRANS-MONTANA (CH) | CSI*** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 8 | Table A against the clock | |
2013/07/27 | MEGEVE (F) | CSI*** | 1.45 | BREUL Robert | 17 | Barème A au chrono avec barrage | |
2013/07/21 | CHANTILLY (F) | CSI***** | 1.45 | BREUL Robert | 16 | Competition against the clock (8) | |
2013/07/19 | CHANTILLY (F) | CSI***** | 1.40/45 | BREUL Robert | 2 | Competition against the clock (0) | |
2013/07/07 | MONS (B) | CSI**** | 1.45 | BREUL Robert | 13 | Barème C | |
2013/07/05 | MONS (B) | CSI**** | 1.45 | BREUL Robert | 7 | Bartème A avec barrage (0/4) | |
2013/06/09 | FRANCONVILLE (F) | CSI**** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 2 | Barème A au chrono sans barrage (0) | |
2013/06/08 | FRANCONVILLE (F) | CSI**** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 7 | Barème A avec barrage (0/0) | |
2013/06/07 | FRANCONVILLE (F) | CSI**** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 5 | Barème A au chrono sans barrage (0) | |
2013/06/02 | LA BOISSIERE (F) | CSI** | 1.45 | BREUL Robert | 6 | Grand Prix - barème A au chrono avec barrage (0/4) | |
2013/05/25 | LA BOISSIERE (F) | CSI*** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 3 | Barème A au chrono sans barrage | |
2013/05/24 | LA BOISSIERE (F) | CSI*** | 1.35 | BREUL Robert | 2 | Barème A temps différé | |
2013/05/12 | LE TOUQUET (F) | CSI*** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 4 | Barème A au chrono sans barrage (0) | |
2013/05/11 | LE TOUQUET (F) | CSI*** | 1.35 | BREUL Robert | 4 | Epreuve en 2 phases au chrono (0/0) | |
2013/05/10 | LE TOUQUET (F) | CSI*** | 1.35 | BREUL Robert | 9 | Barème A au chrono sans barrage (0) | |
2013/04/27 | MAUBEUGE (Fr) | CSI*** | BREUL Robert | 13 | Barème C | ||
2013/04/26 | MAUBEUGE (Fr) | CSI*** | 1.35 | BREUL Robert | 11 | Barème A au chrono (0) | |
2013/04/05 | HARDELOT (F) | CSI*** | 1.30 | BREUL Robert | 11 | Barème A à temps différé | |
2013/03/31 | AUTHEUIL-AUTHOUILLET (F) | CSI** | 1.40 | BREUL Robert | 4 | Barème A au chrono + barrage au chrono | |
2013/03/30 | AUTHEUIL-AUTHOUILLET (F) | CSI** | 1.35 | BREUL Robert | 9 | Barème A au chrono (0) | |
2013/03/29 | AUTHEUIL-AUTHOUILLET (F) | CSI** | 1.35 | BREUL Robert | 9 | Barème A au chrono avec barrage (0/4) | |
2013/03/10 | LE MANS (Fr) | CSN | 1.45 | BREUL Robert | 8 | Grand Prix Po 1 - Barème A au chrono, barrage au chrono (0/4) | |
2012/12/03 | PARIS (F) | CSI* | 1.35 | CARDON Alexandre | 4 | Barème A contre la montre | |
2012/11/29 | PARIS (F) | CSI** | 1.35 | CARDON Alexandre | 10 | Epreuve en deux phases | |
2012/09/30 | AIX-MEYREUIL (Fr) | CSN | 1.35 | CARDON Alexandre | 1 | Grand Prix Pro 2 | |
2012/09/23 | ASSAS (Fr) | CSN | 1.35 | CARDON Alexandre | 1 | Grand Prix Pro | |
2012/09/22 | ASSAS (Fr) | CSN | 1.35 | CARDON Alexandre | 7 | Grand Prix Pro 2 | |
2012/08/04 | SAINTE-CECILE (Fr) | CSI** | 1.30 | CARDON Alexandre | 1 | ||
2012/07/21 | MOORSELE (Bel) | CSI** | 1.40 | CARDON Alexandre | 7 | Table A against the clock (0) | |
2012/07/20 | MOORSELE (Bel) | CSI** | 1.30 | CARDON Alexandre | 7 | Table A against the clock (0) | |
2012/06/24 | SAN REMO (Ita) | CSI** | 1.30 | CARDON Alexandre | 8 | ||
2012/06/22 | SAN REMO (Ita) | CSI** | 1.35 | CARDON Alexandre | 11 | ||
2012/06/17 | NIMES COSTIERES (Fr) | CSN | 1.40 | CARDON Alexandre | 7 | Grand Prix | |
2012/06/16 | NIMES COSTIERES (Fr) | CSN | 1.35 | CARDON Alexandre | 2 | Grand Prix | |
2012/06/15 | NIMES COSTIERES (Fr) | CSN | 1.30 | CARDON Alexandre | 14 | Grand Prix | |
2012/05/27 | AIX-MEYREUIL (Fr) | CSN | 1.35 | CARDON Alexandre | 15 | Grand Prix | |
2012/05/25 | AIX-MEYREUIL (Fr) | CSN | 1.30 | CARDON Alexandre | 13 | Vitesse | |
2012/05/11 | ASSAS (Fr) | CSN | 1.30 | CARDON Alexandre | 10 | Grand Prix | |
2012/04/29 | NIMES COSTIERES (Fr) | CSN | 1.35 | CARDON Alexandre | 7 | Pro 2 Grand Prix | |
2012/04/27 | NIMES COSTIERES (Fr) | CSN | 1.25 | CARDON Alexandre | 10 | Pro 3 vitesse | |
2012/04/14 | ST-GELY (Fr) | CSN | 1.20 | CARDON Alexandre | 1 | ||
2012/04/12 | ST-GELY (Fr) | CSN | 1.20 | CARDON Alexandre | 1 | ||
2012/03/16 | MONTPELLIER (Fr) | CSN | 1.25 | CARDON Alexandre | 9 | Pro 3 vitesse | |
2012/02/19 | AIX-MEYREUIL (Fr) | CSN | 1.25 | CARDON Alexandre | 1 | ||
2012/02/18 | AIX-MEYREUIL (Fr) | CSN | 1.30 | CARDON Alexandre | 7 | Grand Prix Pro 2 | |
2012/02/17 | AIX-MEYREUIL (Fr) | CSN | 1.25 | CARDON Alexandre | 1 | ||
2011/08/28 | BONHEIDEN (Bel) | CSI** | 7 years | DE CARVALHO Caio | 8 | Grand Prix | |
2011/08/27 | BONHEIDEN (Bel) | CSI** | 7 years | DE CARVALHO Caio | 7 | Two phases (0/0) | |
2011/08/26 | BONHEIDEN (Bel) | CSI** | 7 years | DE CARVALHO Caio | 6 | ||
2011/05/30 | LUMMEN (Bel) | CSN | 7 years | DE CARVALHO Caio | 12 | championnat de Belgique - final | |
2011/04/28 | LUMMEN (Bel) | CSN | 7 years | DE CARVALHO Caio | 1 | championnat de Belgique - 2e manche | |
2011/04/17 | LUMMEN (Bel) | CSI*** | 1.25 | DE CARVALHO Caio | 9 | Table A against the clock (0) | |
2011/04/15 | LUMMEN (Bel) | CSI*** | 1.35 | DE CARVALHO Caio | 11 | Table A against the clock (0) | |
2011/04/08 | LUMMEN (Bel) | CSI*** | 1.25 | DE CARVALHO Caio | 3 | Table A with one jump off against the clock | |
2010/02/21 | STRAZEELE (Bel) | CSI** | 1.25 | VILAIN Yves | 22 | Barème A - parcours au chrono | |
2010/01/01 | CYCLE 2010 | 6 ans | 2 | 760 (8/10) | |||
2010/01/01 | CYCLE 2010 | 6 years | 2 | 760 (8/10) | |||
2009/08/16 | GESVES (Bel) | CSN | 5 ans | VILAIN Yves | 16 | Championnat de Belgique - finaliste | |
2009/01/01 | CYCLE 2009 | 5 ans | 488 (8/8) | ||||
2008/01/01 | CYCLE 2008 | 4 ANS | 2 | 488 (8/8) | |||
2007/08/15 | GESVES (Bel) | MA + SL | T3 | 76/100 | |||
2007/04/25 | DURBUY (Bel) | MA + SL | T3 | 2 | 80/100 |
Monsieur Yves VILAIN
rue des Bolus, 23 | 7331 Baudour (BE)
Tel. +3265793347
GSM: +32475642851
Fax: +3265665247
E-mail: yves.vilain23@gmail.com
Monsieur Yves VILAIN
rue des Bolus, 23 | 7331 Baudour (BE)
Tel. +3265793347
GSM: +32475642851
Fax: +3265665247
E-mail: yves.vilain23@gmail.com