HERALDINE by OREGON and BERTINE by OLEANDER | F | | SGLDT | 01/01/1900 | UELN: 999999999Y14405 | MICROCHIP: nonapprouve OREGON - 999999999X01090 M - 01/01/1900 KURASSIER - 999999999X01091 UNCOMPLETED UNCOMPLETED DERKA - 999999999Y01436 UNCOMPLETED UNCOMPLETED BERTINE - 999999999Y01435 F - 01/01/1900 OLEANDER - 999999999X01092 UNCOMPLETED UNCOMPLETED OBERTINE - 999999999Y01437 UNCOMPLETED UNCOMPLETED Production Palmarès source Hippomundo HERALDINE Name Date of birth Race Sex Father GAZELLE 1900/01/01 BWP F WENDEKRAUS DE LAUZELLE