YKJE A by WOLDKONING and NELLIE D by SATURNUS | F | | KWPN | 01/01/1900 | UELN: 999999999Y21216 | MICROCHIP: nonapprouve WOLDKONING KWPN - 999999999X08381 M - 01/01/1900 CAMILLO - 999999999X08251 LERNA D - 999999999Y21213 NELLIE D KWPN - 999999999Y21215 F - 01/01/1900 SATURNUS - 999999999X08380 WELLIE D - 999999999Y21214 Production Palmarès source Hippomundo YKJE A Name Date of birth Race Sex Father PAEREL 1974/01/01 KWPN F ERDBALL XX