Labels Jumping
The labels E.O. (Elite Jumping), R.O.+ (Recommended Jumping based on individual capacities) or R.O. (Recommanded Jumping) are attributed by Studbook SBS to the best mares and/or young females registred by birth at SBS, or registred at SBS at the registration of one of their products, based on their own performances or those of their dam, their product(s) and/or their collaterals.
The collaterals that are taken into consideration fort he attribution of the labels are own brothers, own sisters, half-brothers through the dam and half sisters through the dam.
The labels E.O. (Elite Jumping), R.O.+ (Recommended Jumping based on individual capacities) and R.O. (Recommended Jumping) are specific indications attesting the qualities of mares and/or young females. They are added to their names on official documents published after the date of attribution (certificates of origin, pedigrees, startlists, results ….)
The labels E.O. (Elite Jumping), R.O.+ (Recommended Jumping based on individual capacities) and R.O. (Recommanded Jumping), are attributed to mares and/or young females registred by birth at Studbook SBS or registred at SBS at the birth of a product, also registred at Studbook SBS.
Criteria for labeling
E.O. (Elite Jumping): Label individually attributed to each mare with minimum 2 rankings in official tests over 1m40.
R.O.+ (Recommanded Jumping based on individual capacities): Label individually attributed to each mare with minimum 2 rankings in official tests over 1m30.
R.O. (Recommended Jumping): Label attributed to every mare with minimum:
- A collateral or a product (male or female) with minimum two rankings in official tests over 1m40
- Two collaterals or two products (male or female) with two rankings in official tests over 1m30.
- Every young female out of an E.O. mare
Go to list R.O.
Every demand for labeling has to be done written and adressed tot he Company, together with the official confirmation of the sports results (confirmed by an official equestrian organisation). Regarding the tests for young horses, only the results mentioning the height of the fences in the test, will be taken into consideration. De Board of Directors will check the facts and a decision shall be taken afterwards.