AMIKA by ABHANG-III and DORNROESCHEN by UNCOMPLETED | F | | HANN | 01/01/1900 | UELN: 999999999Y02196 | MICROCHIP: nonapprouve ABHANG-III HANN - 999999999X01464 M - 01/01/1900 ABGLANZ TRAK - 276309090000443 TERMIT ABENDLUFT ANKERHIRTIN HANN - 999999999Y29723 DORNROESCHEN HANN - 999999999Y02197 F - 01/01/1900 UNCOMPLETED - 999999999X00000 UNCOMPLETED - 999999999Y00000 Production Palmarès source Hippomundo AMIKA Name Date of birth Race Sex Father PRESIDENT 1977/03/02 BWP M PIK KOENIG