| F | | sBs | 01/06/1999 |
UELN: 056007000P33533 | MICROCHIP:
KASHMIR VAN SCHUTTERSHOF sBs - 056007000K28286 M - 11/05/1994 NABAB DE REVE BWP - 056002W00139797 QUIDAM DE REVEL
EUROSPRING (R.O.) BWP - 999999999Y15942 F - 06/06/1981 GOLDSPRING (DE LAUZELLE) HANN - 999999999X00035 GOTTHARD
Date Lieu Type Niveau Cavalier Place Commentaire Code
2006/10/20 STRAZEELE (Fr) CSI* 1.25/1.30 BOTTON Gilles 12 Prix Tintilier
2006/10/22 STRAZEELE (Fr) CSI* 1.35 BOTTON Gilles 11 Grand Prix
2007/07/22 GHLIN CSI** 1.45 ARROYAVE Dayro 8 Table A with 2 Jump-Off
2007/07/20 GHLIN CSI** 1.30 ARROYAVE Dayro 2 Table A against the Clock
2007/11/01 MANERBIO (Ita) CSI*** 1.35 TSATSOU Danae 15
2008/03/14 AREZZO (Ita) CSI*** 1.40 ALFONSO Antonio 11 Toscana tour - Speed and Handiness Competition
2008/03/29 AREZZO (Ita) CSI**** 1.35 ALFONSO Antonio 14 Toscana tour - Competition in 2 phases.
2008/04/13 CERVIA (It) CSN 1.40 ALFONSO Antonio 11
2008/04/11 CERVIA (It) CSN 1.35 ALFONSO Antonio 14
2008/06/13 NAPOLI (It) CSI***** 1.40 ALFONSO Antonio 13 Comp. against the clock.
2008/08/30 AREZZO (Ita) CSI** 1.40 ALFONSO Antonio 8 Competition in two phases table A+A.
2009/02/15 SAN LAZZARO DI SAVENA (Ita) CSI** ALFONSO Antonio 6 Grand Prix en 2 manches
2009/03/15 AREZZO (Ita) CSI*** 1.45 ALFONSO Antonio 5 Toscana Tour - Competition with one immediate jump-off
2009/03/20 AREZZO (Ita) CSI*** 1.50 ALFONSO Antonio 13 Toscana Tour - Competition against the clock
2009/05/01 FIUMICINO CSI** 1.40 ALFONSO Antonio 1 Mixed competition
2009/05/09 CERVIA (Ita) CSI** 1.35 ALFONSO Antonio 7 Comp. against the clock + jump off
2009/06/26 FLORENCE (Ita) CSI** 1.40 ALFONSO Antonio 5 Two phases
2009/06/28 FLORENCE (Ita) CSI** ALFONSO Antonio 1 Grand Prix two rounds
2009/07/25 SALERNO (Ita) CSI** 1.40 ALFONSO Antonio 1 Competition against the clock
2009/07/24 SALERNO (Ita) CSI** 1.40 ALFONSO Antonio 2 Mixed competition
2009/09/04 AREZZO (Ita) CSNJ 1.15 AVALONE Matteo 1 Competition with one jump off
2009/09/06 AREZZO (Ita) CSNJ 1.25 AVALONE Matteo 1 Competition in 2 phases
2009/10/09 AUGUSTA (Ita) CSI*** 1.40 ALFONSO Antonio 8 Competition against the clock
2009/10/10 AUGUSTA (Ita) CSI*** 1.40 ALFONSO Antonio 4 Mixed competition
2009/11/27 PONTEDERA (Ita) CSI** 1.40 ALFONSO Antonio 4 Two phases
2009/11/29 PONTEDERA (Ita) CSI** ALFONSO Antonio 10 Grand Prix two rounds
2010/02/12 SAN LAZZARO DI SAVENA (It) CSI** 1.40 ALFONSO Antonio 3 Two phases
2010/02/14 SAN LAZZARO DI SAVENA (It) CSI* ALFONSO Antonio 3 Grand Prix two rounds
2010/04/08 AREZZO (Ita) CSI*** 1.40 ALFONSO Antonio 15 Competition in two phases
2011/03/26 AREZZO (Ita) CSI*** 1.35 AVALLONE Matteo 25 Competition in two phases
2011/03/27 AREZZO (Ita) CSI*** 1.35 AVALLONE Matteo 4 Competition against the clock
2011/04/09 AREZZO (Ita) CSI*** 1.35 AVALLONE Matteo 23 Competitioon against the clock
2011/06/24 ROMA CASSIA (Ita) CSI** 1.35 AVALLONE Matteo 7 TWO PHASES
2011/07/23 NINFA (Ita) CSI** 1.35 AVALLONE Matteo 5 Mixed competition
2011/08/19 CERVIA (Ita) CSI** 1.35 AVALLONE Matteo 10 Two phases
2011/08/27 AREZZO (Ita) CSI** 1.30 AVALLONE Matteo 21 Competition against the clock
2012/03/03 FOLLONICA (Ita) CSI** 1.35 AVALLONE Matteo 11 Against the clock
2012/03/24 AREZZO (Ita) CSI*** 1.40 AVALLONE Matteo 13 Toscana Tour - two phases
2012/06/22 NINFA (Ita) CSI** 1.45 AVALLONE Matteo 9 Competition against the clock
2013/03/24 AREZZO (Ita) CSI*** 1.35 AVALLONE Matteo 13